Post Operative Instructions

It is necessary that you follow the dentist’s instructions after each procedure. This ensures success and longevity of the treatment. Below, general post- operative instructions are listed for most common dental procedures.


  • Continue biting on gauze for one hour. Following extractions some bleeding is to be expected. If persistent bleeding occurs, place new gauze pads over the bleeding area and bite firmly for one more hour.
  • Do not rinse mouth today. Tomorrow rinse mouth gently every 3 to 4 hours (especially after meals) using one-quarter teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water. Continue rinses for several days.
  • Swelling. Ice bag or chopped ice wrapped in a towel should be applied to the skin opposite of the surgical area, one half hour on and one half hour off for 4-6 hours.
  • Pain. For mild pain use medicine you would normally use for a headache.
  • Food. A light diet is advisable during the first 24 hours. Avoid excessively hot, spicy, and hard foods which will irritate area of surgery.
  • Bony edges. Small sharp bone fragments may work up through the gums during healing. These are not roots; if annoying, please return to our dentist office for their simple removal.
  • No smoking for 48 Hours.
  • No Carbonated Beverages.
  • No Drinking through straws.
  • No Spitting.

The proper care following oral surgery procedures will hasten recovery and prevent complications.

If any unusual symptoms occur, please call
Klempka Dental at 773-725-0800.

Root Canal Treatment

    • Pain in the area may be present for up to three days following the root canal treatment
    • Take pain medication as needed
    • Avoid biting or chewing where the treatment was performed
    • Contact the office if swelling or severe pain occurs



  • Avoid chewing hard, crunchy or sticky foods with the treated teeth for 1 week
  • Postpone brushing for 12- hour period after the treatment
  • Avoid touching treated areas
  • Postpone using interproximal cleaning devices in the area of treatment for 10- day period after Arestin administration
  • Call the office if pain, swelling

Scaling and Root Planning

  • Do not brush your teeth for 12 hours following the treatment
  • Do not eat any crunchy or sticky foods for a 10 day period following the treatment
  • Starting the following day, brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day as directed by the dentist or a hygienist
  • Come in for periodontal maintenance every three months


  • No eating or drinking staining foods and drinks (such as coffee, tea, red wine etc) throughout the whitening process and a week after completion.
  • Tooth sensitivity may occur in some cases. With In-Office Bleaching, this sensitivity will usually subside within 1-2 days; with Take Home Bleaching, reduction of hours of whitening may be necessary. Call the office for additional instructions.
  • Gum Irritation. It is a result of small amount of solution leaking under the trays or gum protection. This should resolve by itself between few hours to few days.
  • Effect on Fillings. Tooth- colored fillings will not whiten. Replacement of tooth colored fillings may be necessary to match your newly whitened teeth.

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You can visit us 5931 W Lawrence Ave. Chicago IL, 60630, call our front desk at 773-725-0800, email us at [email protected] or fill the Contact Form

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